<!--:en-->Kyosho UK are very happy to announce that Elliott Boots will continue running for Kyosho in 2015-2016.<!--:--><!--:fr-->Kyosho UK est très content d'annoncer la prolongation de contrat d'Elliott Boots pour 2 ans !<!--:-->

January 2015 will mark the three-year anniversary since Boots joined the Red Samurai team, going onto establish himself as one of the hottest drivers in 1/8 Buggy – always one to watch with crowd pleasing driving ability as well as off track fun & banter.


Elliott continues as a full factory international driver. Kyosho and Elliott have had some great results together and with this new deal we hope to see Elliott pushing for more Wins in the future! At a time when many drivers are changing and starting from scratch, We believe Elliott’s continued support will give him an advantage.

We look forward to seeing him trackside in the 10th BRCA nationals and the 1/8th Rallycross national series, as well as all the major international races including Euros and worlds in Las Vegas 2016! Elliott will be racing in Italy next week and then off to Las Vegas for the American Kyosho Masters event.