The Devil is in the details

[:en]To the casual observer, there aren’t many visible differences in this view of the new MP9 TKI4 buggy, as compared to the previous TKI3. Indeed, the design of the TKI3 is a World Champion and it’s not wise to disturb a winning design. But, the TKI4 represents a number of subtle, though essential refinements, designed and vigorously tested by the most experienced buggy designer in the world. There will be nothing subtle about its performance. A total of 22 updates are included that will take the TKI4 to a new, higher level of performance and reliability that is unmatched in 1:8 off-road buggy racing. Stay tuned for all the details next…


TKI4-image02[:fr]Pour un pilote non averti, il y a peu de différences visibles entre le nouveau TKI4 et le dernier TKI3. Effectivement, le TKI3 a prouvé lors des dernières courses nationales et internationales, son niveau de performance élevé et sa grande polyvalence. Toutefois, le TKI4 est l'évolution logique du TKI3 avec 22 nouveautés mises au point par le designer le plus expérimenté au monde. Très prochainement, ces 22 nouveautés seront présentées en détails.

